Thursday, October 29, 2009

the molotov man

Well...I think this was an interesting article in the fact that it kind of plays devils advocate, and showing both sides in the situation involving the famous photograph of the molotov man. i think the whole issue is a sticky concept because the use of others people work affect different people different ways. The side from Joy's perspective how she was using the image solely for the aesthetic properties in her painting, with no regards to the background. Whereas the opposing sign, Susan, felt as if recontextualizing the photo she had taken was disrespectful to the subject and what the actual picture was about. I think theres a couple of ways you could approach this scenario. For one, Susan could be totally flattered that her photo had such an impact on artists (aesthetically) to where they wanted to use it. But for two, how people may praise the work not knowing it was originally Susan's, not giving her any credit at all.. id be pissed if i were here probably too, especially because it was SUCH a big hit.

I think that this issue works because we have touched on this a bit in class. Copyright is a serious issue. Getting credit for you work i think is a wonderful part of being an artist. I also think that the idea of sharing for the sake of art is a good idea too, so im kind of in the middle. I think that its appropriate to use other artist's stuff as long as you give credit to the original artist. I personally may be selfish but if i made something really awesome, id feel like shit if someone was getting all the credit. you should always be associated with the outcome of great effort. compensation is a part of life and business.

Back to the molotov man situation..a quote that sticks out to me where some blogger asks "who owns the rights to this man's struggle' which is a powerful question. its almost like this event is there in the world its this man throwing that cocktail bomb.. i think her argument of the story behind what is going on is amazing, and should be put together like if she were to write about this specific incident and publish it with this picture, as for the actual image i think it is what it is.. i mean maybe she should receive some kind of recognition for like being in the line of fire taking the pic.. its almost like the art itself is the beauty of this mans struggle, not the actual photograph

but i dont know im not really trying to pick sides im just trying to relate to both in some degree. all in all i think copyright is a big tangled web that will probably just get more and more tangled as more and more art is created and reused. and i know if i made something epic i would want the credit and recognition.

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